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Citation profiles

Refereed journals

  • J146. Chen, H.; Jiang, S.-Y.; Yang, S.-H.; Wang, Y.-J.; Xu, M. Assessment and scenario hypothesis of food waste in China based on material flow analysis. npj Urban Sustainability 2023, in press.

  • J145. Hou, S.-H.; Qu, S.; Xu, M. The “gravity” for global virtual water flows: from quantity and quality perspectives. Journal of Environmental Management 2023, 329, 116984.

  • J144. Qu, S.; Yu, K.; Hu, Y.-C.; Zhou, C.-C.; Xu, M.* Scaling of energy, water, and waste flows in China’s prefecture-level and provincial cities. Environmental Science & Technology 2022, in press.

  • J143. Wang, J.-R.; Konar, M.; Dalin, C.; Liu, Y.; Stillwell, A. S.; Xu, M.; Zhu, T.-J. Economic and virtual water multilayer networks in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 381, 135041.

  • J142. Chen, X.; Zhao, B.; Shuai, C.-Y.; Qu, S.; Xu, M. Global spread of water scarcity risk through trade. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2022, 187, 106643.

  • J141. Ji, L.; Wang, Y.-G.; Xie, Y.-L.; Xu, M.; Cai, Y.-P.; Fu, S.-N.; Ma, L.; Su, X. Potential life-cycle environmental impacts of the COVID-19 nucleic acid test. Environmental Science & Technology 2022, 56 (18), 13398-13407.

  • J140. Zhao, B.; Shuai, C.-Y.; Qu, S.; Xu, M.* Use deep learning to fill data gaps in environmental footprint accounting. Environmental Science & Technology 2022, 56 (16), 11897-11906.

  • J139. Shuai, C.-Y.; Zhao, B.; Chen, X.; Liu, J.; Zheng, C.; Qu, S.; Zou, J.-P.; Xu, M.* Quantifying the impacts of COVID-19 on Sustainable Development Goals using machine learning models. Fundamental Research 2022, in press.

  • J138. Tian, X.; Xia, Z.-Q.; Xie, J.-L.; Zhang, C.; Liu, Y.-B.; Xu, M. A meta-analytical review of intervention experiments to reduce food waste. Environmental Research Letters 2022, 17, 064041.

  • J137. Taiebat, M.; Stolper, S.; Xu, M.* Widespread range suitability and cost competitiveness of electric vehicles for ride-hailing drivers. Applied Energy 2022, 319, 119246.

  • J136. Tian, X.; Xie, J.-L.; Xu, M.; Wang, Y.-T.; Liu, Y.-B. An infinite life cycle assessment model to re-evaluate resource efficiency and environmental impacts of circular economy systems. Waste Management 2022, 145, 72-82.

  • J135. Song, L.; Zhan, X.-J.; Zhang, H.-H.; Xu, M.; Liu, J.; Zheng, C.-M. How much is global business sectors contributing to Sustainable Development Goals? Sustainable Horizons 2022, 1, 100012.

  • J134. Ren, Z.-J.; Jiang, M.; Chen, D.-J.; Yu, Y.-D.; Li, F.; Xu, M.; Bringezu S., Zhu, B. Stock and flows of sand, gravel, and crushed stone in China (1978-2018): evidence of the peaking and structural transformation of supply and demand. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2022, 180, 106173.

  • J133. Taiebat, M.; Amini, E.; Xu, M.* Sharing behavior in ride-hailing trips: a machine learning inference approach. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2022, 103, 103166.

  • J132. Shuai, C.-Y.; Yu, L.; Chen, X.; Zhao, B.; Qu, S.; Zhu, J.; Liu, J.; Miller, S. A.; Xu, M.* Principal indicators to monitor Sustainable Development Goals. Environmental Research Letters 2022, 16 (2), 124015.

  • J131. Li, Y.-M.; Wang, Z.-H.; He, W.-J.; Zhao, Y.-D.; Xu, M.; Zhang, B. Critical transmission sectors for CO2 emission mitigation in supply chains. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2021, 164, 120499.

  • J130. Wang, L.-P.; Li, Y.-S.; Liang, S.; Xu, M.; Qu, S. Trade-related water scarcity risk under the Belt and Road Initiative. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 801, 149781.

  • J129. Tian, X.; Liu, Y.-W.; Xu, M.*; Liang, S.; Liu, Y.-B. Chinese Environmentally Extended Input-Output Database for 2017 and 2018. Scientific Data 2021, 8, 256.

  • J128. Liao, Z.-T.; Taiebat, M.; Xu, M.* Shared autonomous electric vehicle fleets with vehicle-to-grid capability: Economic viability and environmental co-benefits. Applied Energy 2021, 302, 117500.

  • J127. Xu, M.; Daigger, G. T.; Xi, C.-W.; Liu, J.-G.; Qu, J.-H.; Alvarez, P. J.; Biswas, P.; Chen, Y.-S.; Dolinoy, D.; Fan, Y.; Gao, H. O.; Hao, J.-M.; He, H.; Kammen, D. M.; Lemos, M. C.; Liu, F.-D.; Love, N. G.; Lu, Y.-L.; Mauzerall, D. L.; Miller, S. A.; Ouyang, Z.-Y.; Overpeck, J. T.; Peng, W.; Ramaswami, A.; Ren, Z.-Y.; Wang, A.-J.; Wu, B.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, J.-F.; Zheng, C.-M.; Zhu, B.; Zhu, T.; Chen, W.-Q.; Liu, G.; Qu, S.; Wang, C.-Y.; Wang, Y.-T.; Yu, X.-Y.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, H.-L. US-China collaboration is vital to global plans for a healthy environment and sustainable development. Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55 (14), 9622-9626.

  • J126. Yang, X.-C.; Liang, S.; Qi, J.-C.; Feng, C.-Y.; Qu, S.; Xu, M. Identifying sectoral impacts on global scarce water uses from multiple perspectives. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2021, 25 (6), 1503-1517.

  • J125. Zhu, Y.-X.; Skerlos, S.; Xu, M.; Cooper, D. R. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. light-duty transport in line with 2 °C target. Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55 (13), 9326-9338.

  • J124. Zhao, B.; Shuai, C.-Y.; Hou, P.; Qu, S.; Xu, M.* Estimation of unit process data for life cycle assessment using a decision tree-based approach. Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55 (12). 8439-8446.

  • J123. Lopez, N. S.; Moreau, V.; Yu, K. D.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Xu, M. Production- and consumption-based energy use in the ASEAN: lessons from the Tiger and the cubs. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 304, 126986.

  • J122. Wang, J.-N.; Yu, F.; Ma, G.-X.; Peng, F.; Zhou, X.-F.; Wu, C.-S.; Yang, W.-S.; Wang, C.-Y.; Cao, D.; Jiang, H.-Q.; Jing, H.; Qu, S.; Xu, M.* Gross Economic-Ecological Product as an integrated measure for ecological service and economic products. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2021, 171, 105566.

  • J121. Zhao, B.; Yu, L.; Wang, C.-Y.; Shuai, C.-Y.; Zhu, J.; Qu, S.; Taiebat, M.; Xu, M.* Urban air pollution mapping using fleet vehicles as mobile monitors and machine learning. Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55 (8), 5579-5588.

  • J120. Wu, K.-J.; Tseng, M.-L.; Ali, M. H.; Xue, B.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Fujii, M.; Xu, M.; Lan, S.-L.; Ren, M.-M.; Bin, Y. Opportunity or threat in balancing social, economic and environmental impacts: the appearance of the Polar Silk Road. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 2021, 88, 106570.

  • J119. Wang, C.-Y.; Liu, Y.; Chen, W.-Q.; Zhu, B.; Qu, S.; Xu, M.* Critical review of global plastics stock and flow data. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2021, 25 (5), 1300-1317.

  • J118. Kang, P.; Song, G.-H.; Xu, M.; Miller, T. R.; Wang, H.-K.; Zhang, H.; Liu, G.; Zhou, Y.; Ren, J.-S.; Zhou, R.-Y.; Duan, H.-B. Low-carbon pathways for the booming express delivery sector in China. Nature Communications 2021, 12, 450.

  • J117. Dong, Y.-B.; Xu, M.; Miller, S. A. Overview of cold chain development in China and methods of studying its environmental impacts. Environmental Research Communications 2020, 2, 122002.

  • J116. Wang, C.-D.; Wang, Y.-T.; Tong, X.; Ulgiati, S.; Liang, S.; Xu, M.; Wei, W.-D.; Li, X.; Jin, M.-Z.; Mao, J.-F. Mapping potentials and bridging regional gaps of renewable resources in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2020, 134, 110337.

  • J115. Hou, P.; Zhao, B.; Jolliet, O.; Zhu, J.; Wang, P.; Xu, M.* Rapid prediction of chemical ecotoxicity through genetic algorithm optimized neural network models. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8 (32), 12168-12176.

  • J114. Wang, C.-Y.; Xu, M.; Olsson, G.; Liu, Y. Characterizing of water-energy-emission nexus of coal-fired power industry using entropy weighting method. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2020, 161, 104991.

  • J113. Qu, S.; Yang, Y.-T.; Wang, Z.-H.; Zou, J.-P.; Xu, M.* Great divergence exists in Chinese provincial trade-related CO2 emission accounts. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54 (14), 8527-8538.

  • J112. Jiang, X.-B.; Wang, T.; Jiang, M.; Xu, M.; Yu, Y.-D.; Guo, B.-H.; Chen, D.-J.; Hu, S.-Y.; Jiang, J.; Zhang, Y.-P.; Zhu, B. Assessment of plastic stocks and flows in China: 1978-2017. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2020, 161, 104969.

  • J111. Tian, X.; Gao, W.-W.; Liu, Y.-B.; Xu, M. Secondary resource curse’s formation and transmission mechanism based on environmental externality theory. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2020, 161, 104958.

  • J110. Gao, Z.-H.; Li, Y.-S.; Qu, S.; Xu, M. Supply chain-wide sectoral water use characteristics based on multi-perspective measurements. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 268, 122345.

  • J109. Zhao, H.-R.; Qu, S.; Liu, Y.; Guo, S.; Zhao, H.-R.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Liang, S.; Zou, J.-P.; Xu, M. Virtual water scarcity risk in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2020, 160, 104886.

  • J108. Huang, C.-L.; Xu, M.; Cui, S.-H.; Li, Z.-R.; Fang, H.-D.; Wang, P. Copper-induced ripple effects by the expanding electric vehicle fleet: a crisis or an opportunity. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2020, 161, 104861.

  • J107. Yang, Y.-T.; Qu, S.; Cai, B.-F.; Liang, S.; Wang, Z.-H.; Wang, J.-N.; Xu, M. Mapping global carbon footprint in China. Nature Communications 2020, 11, 2237.

  • J106. Gu., Y.-F.; Zhou, G.-L.; Wu, Y.-F.; Xu, M., Chang, T.; Gong, Y.; Zuo, T.-Y. Environmental performance analysis on resource multiple-life-cycle recycling system: evidence from waste pet bottles in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2020, 158, 104821.

  • J105. Wang, L.-P.; Zou, Z.-H.; Liang, S.; Xu, M. Virtual scarce water flows and economic benefits of the Belt and Road Initiative. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 253, 119936.

  • J104. Gu, Y.-F.; Wu, Y.-F.; Liu, J.-G.; Xu, M.; Zuo, T.-Y. Ecological civilization and government administrative system reform in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2020, 155, 104654.

  • J103. Zhang, P.-L.; Zou, Z.-H.; Liu, G.; Feng, C.-Y.; Liang, S.; Xu, M. Socioeconomic drivers of water use in China during 2002-2017. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2020, 154, 104636.

  • J102. Hou, P.; Jolliet, O.; Zhu, J.; Xu, M.* Estimate ecotoxicity characterization factors for chemicals in life cycle assessment using machine learning models. Environment International 2020, 135, 105393.

  • J101. Hu, J.-R.; Huang, K.; Ridoutt, B. G.; Yu, Y.-J.; Xu, M. Measuring integrated environmental footprint transfers in China: a new perspective on spillover-feedback effects. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 241, 118375.

  • J100. Xu, C.-Q.; Tang, T.; Jia, H.-F.; Xu, M.; Xu, T.; Liu, Z.-J.; Long, Y.; Zhang, R.-R. Benefits of coupled green and grey infrastructure system: evidence based on analytic hierarchy process and life cycle costing. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2019, 151, 104478.

  • J99. Song, K.-H.; Qu, S.*; Taiebat, M.; Liang, S.; Xu, M. Scale, distribution and variations of global greenhouse gas emissions driven by U.S. households. Environment International 2019, 133 (A), 105137.

  • J98. Hu, G.-W.; Mu, X.-Z.; Xu, M.; Miller, S. A. Potential GHG emission reductions from cold chain systems: case studies of China and the United States. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 239, 118053.

  • J97. Wang, C.-Y.; Lin, L.; Olsson, G.; Liu, Y.; Xu, M. The scope and understanding of the water-electricity nexus. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2019, 150, 104453.

  • J96. Lu, Z.-M.; Broesicke, O.; Chang, M.; Yan, J.-C.; Xu, M.; Derrible, S.; Mihelcic, J.; Schwegler, B.; Crittenden, J. C. Seven approaches to manage complex coupled human and natural systems: a sustainability toolbox. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53 (16), 9341-9351.

  • J95. Feng, C.-Y.; Qu, S.*; Tang, X.; Liang, S.; Chiu, A. C. F.; Xu, M. Uncovering urban food-energy-water nexus based on physical input-output analysis: the case of the Detroit Metropolitan Area. Applied Energy 2019, 252, 113422.

  • J94. Yang, Y.-T.; Qu, S.*; Wang, Z.-H.; Xu, M. Sensitivity of sectoral CO2 emissions to demand and supply pattern changes in China. Science of The Total Environment 2019, 682, 572-582.

  • J93. Zhao, H.-R.; Qu, S.*; Guo, S.; Zhao, H.-R.; Liang, S.; Xu, M. Virtual water scarcity risk to global trade under climate change. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 230, 1013-1026.

  • J92. Taiebat, M.; Xu, M.* Synergies of four emerging technologies for accelerated adoption of electric vehicles: shared mobility, wireless charging, vehicle-to-grid, and vehicle automation. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 230, 794-797.

  • J91. Han, R.-R.; Zhou, B.-H.; An, L.-Y.; Jin, H.-B.; Ma, L.; Li, N.; Xu, M.; Li, J.-J. Quantitative assessment of enterprise environmental risk mitigation in the context of Na-tech disasters. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2019, 191, 210.

  • J90. Zhang, S.-D.; Taiebat, M.; Liu, Y.; Qu, S.*; Liang, S.; Xu, M. Regional water footprints and interregional virtual water transfers in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 228, 1401-1412.

  • J89. Xu, M.; Liang, S. Input-output networks offer new insights of economic structure. Physica A 2019, 527, 121178.

  • J88. Qu, S.; Guo, Y.-H.; Ma, Z.-J.; Chen, W.-Q.; Liu, J.-G.; Liu, G.; Wang, Y.-T.; Xu, M.* Implications of China’s foreign waste ban on the global circular economy. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2019, 144, 252-255.

  • J87. Xu, M.*; Cui, Y.-Y.; Hu, M.; Xu, X.-K.; Zhang, Z.-C.; Liang, S.; Qu, S. Supply chain sustainability risk and assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 225, 857-867.

  • J86. Taiebat, M.; Stolper, S.; Xu, M. Forecasting the impact of connected and automated vehicles on energy use: a microeconomic study of induced travel and energy rebound. Applied Energy 2019, 247, 297-308.

  • J85. Yang, X.-C.; Yi, S.-J.; Qu, S.*; Wang, R.-Q.; Wang, Y.-T.; Xu, M. Key transmission sectors of energy-water-carbon nexus pressures in Shanghai, China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 225, 27-35.

  • J84. Cai, H., Wang, X.; Adriaens, P.; Xu, M. Environmental benefits of taxi ride sharing in Beijing. Energy 2019, 174, 503-508.

  • J83. Duan, H.-B.; Song, G.-H.; Qu, S.; Dong, X.-B.; Xu, M. Post-consumer packaging waste from express delivery in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2019, 144, 137-143.

  • J82. Huang, C.-L.; Qu, S.*; Gao, B.; Huang, Y.-F.; Fang, H.-D.; Yan, X.-M.; Cui, S.-H.; Xu, M. Effects of urbanization on phosphorus metabolism in a typical agricultural area. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 214, 803-815.

  • J81. Wang, H.-X.; Wang, W.-C.; Liang, S.; Zhang, C.; Qu, S.; Liang, Y.-H., Li, Y.-M.; Xu, M.; Yang, Z.-F. Determinants of greenhouse gas emissions from interconnected grids in China. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53 (3), 1432-1440.

  • J80. Xu, C.-Q.; Jia, M.-Y.; Xu, M.; Long, Y.; Jia, H.-F. Progress on environmental and economic evaluation of low-impact development type of best management practices through a life cycle perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 213, 1103-1114.

  • J79. Liang, S.; Qu, S.; Zhao, Q.-T.; Zhang, X.-L.; Daigger, G. T.; Newell, J. P.; Miller, S. A.; Johnson, J. X.; Love, N. G.; Zhang, L.-X.; Yang, Z.-F.; Xu, M.* Quantifying the urban food-energy-water nexus: the case of the Detroit Metropolitan Area. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53 (2), 779-788.

  • J78. Liu, D.; Liu, J.-C.; Wang, S.-K.; Xu, M.; Akbar, S. J. Contribution of international photovoltaic trade to global greenhouse gas emission reduction: the example of China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2019, 143, 114-118.

  • J77. Zhang, P.-P.; Zhang, L.-X.; Chang, Y.; Xu, M.; Hao, Y.; Liang, S.; Liu, G.-Y.; Yang, Z.-F.; Wang, C. Food-energy-water (FEW) nexus for urban sustainability: a comprehensive review. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2019, 142, 215-224.

  • J76. Wang, J.; Du, T.; Wang, H.-M.; Liang, S.; Xu, M. Identifying critical sectors and supply chain paths for the consumption of domestic resource extraction in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 208, 1577-1586.

  • J75. Taiebat, M.; Brown, A. L.; Safford, H. R.; Qu, S.; Xu, M.* A review on energy, environmental, and sustainability implications of connected and automated vehicles. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52 (20), 11449-11465.

  • J74. Zeng, X.-L.; Xu, M.; Li, J.-H. Examining the sustainability of China’s nickel supply: 1950-2050. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2018, 139, 188-193.

  • J73. Hou, P.; Xu, Y.-F.; Taiebat, M.; Lastoskie, C.; Miller, S. A.; Xu, M.* Life cycle assessment of end-of-life treatments for plastic film waste. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 201, 1052-1060.

  • J72. Lu, M.-J.; Taiebat, M.; Xu, M.; Hsu, S.-C. Multi-agent spatial simulation of autonomous taxis for urban commute: travel economics and environmental impacts. Journal of Urban Planning and Development 2018, 144 (4): 04018033.

  • J71. Tian, X.; Wu, Y.-F.; Qu, S.; Liang, S.; Chen, W.-Q.; Xu, M.; Zuo, T.-Y. Deriving hazardous material flow networks: a case study of lead in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 199, 391-399.

  • J70. Tian, X.; Wu, Y.-F.; Qu, S.; Liang, S.; Xu, M.; Zuo, T.-Y. Modeling domestic geographical transfers of toxic substances in WEEE: a case study of spent lead-acid batteries in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 198, 1559-1566.

  • J69. Qu, S.; Li, Y.; Liang, S.; Yuan, J.-H.; Xu, M.* Virtual CO2 emission flows in the global electricity trade network. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52 (11), 6666-6675.

  • J68. Wu, T.; Qu, S.; Xu, M.; Peng, T.-D.; Ou, X.-M. Development and application of an energy use and CO2 emissions reduction evaluation model for China’s online car hailing services. Energy 2018, 154, 298-307.

  • J67. Hou, P.; Cai, J.-R.; Qu, S.; Xu, M.* Estimating missing unit process data in life cycle assessment using a similarity-based approach. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52 (9), 5259-5267.

  • J66. Li, J.-C.; Chen, L.; Xiang, Y.-W.; Xu, M. Research on influential factors of PM2.5 within the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in China. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2018, 2018, 6375391.

  • J65. Qu, S.; Liang, S.; Konar, M.; Zhu, Z.-Q.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Jia, X.-P.; Xu, M.* Virtual water scarcity risk to the global trade system. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52 (2), 673-683.

  • J64. Cai, B.-F.; Liang, S.; Zhou, J.; Wang, J.-N.; Cao, L.-B.; Qu, S.; Xu, M.; Yang, Z.-F. China high resolution emission database (CHRED) with point emission sources, gridded emission data, and supplementary socioeconomic data. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2018, 129, 232-239.

  • J63. Rao, R.; Cai, H.; Xu, M. Modeling electric taxis’ charging behavior using real-world data. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 2018, 12 (6), 452-460.

  • J62. Liang, S.; Wang, Y.-F.; Zhang, C.; Xu, M.; Yang, Z.-F.; Liu, W.-D.; Liu, H.-G.; Chiu, A. S. F. Final production-based emissions of regions in China. Economic Systems Research 2018, 30 (1), 18-36.

  • J61. Liang, S.; Stylianou, K.; Jolliet, O.; Supekar, S.; Qu, S.; Skerlos, S. J.; Xu, M.* Consumption-based human health impacts of primary PM2.5: the hidden burden of international trade. Journal of Cleaner Production 2017, 167, 133-139.

  • J60. Qu, S.; Liang, S.; Xu, M.* CO2 emissions embodied in interprovincial electricity transmissions in China. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51 (18), 10893-10902.

  • J59. Chang, J.; Yu, M.; Shen, S.-Q.; Xu, M. Location design and relocation of a mixed car-sharing fleet with a CO2 emission constraint. Service Science 2017, 9 (3), 205-218.

  • J58. Gu, Y.-F.; Wu, Y.-F.; Xu, M.; Wang, H.-D.; Zuo, T.-Y. To realize better extended producer responsibility: redesign of WEEE fund mode in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 164, 347-356.

  • J57. Heard, B. R.; Miller, S. A.; Liang, S.; Xu, M. Emerging challenges and opportunities for the food-energy-water nexus in urban systems. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2017, 17, 48-53.

  • J56. Qu, S.; Wang, H.-X.; Liang, S.; Shapiro, A. M.; Suh, S.; Sheldon, S.; Zik, O.; Fang, H.; Xu, M.* A Quasi-Input-Output model to improve the estimation of emission factors for purchased electricity from interconnected grids. Applied Energy 2017, 200, 249-259.

  • J55. Pang, M.-Y.; Zhang, L.-X.; Liang, S.; Liu, G.-Y.; Wang, C.-B.; Hao, Y.; Wang, Y.-F.; Xu, M. Trade-off between carbon reduction benefits and ecological costs of biomass-based power plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS) in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2017, 144, 279-286.

  • J54. Liang, S.; Qu, S.; Zhu, Z.-Q.; Guan, D.-B.; Xu, M.* Income-based greenhouse gas emissions of nations. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51 (1), 346-355.

  • J53. Hui, M.-L.; Wu, Q.-R.; Wang, S.-X.; Liang, S.; Zhang, L.; Wang, F.-Y.; Lenzen, M.; Wang, Y.-F.; Xu, L.-X.; Lin, J.-T.; Yang, H.; Lin, Y.; Larssen, T.; Xu, M.; Hao, J.-M. Mercury flows in China and global drivers. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51 (1), 222-231.

  • J52. Liang, S.; Feng, T.-T.; Qu, S.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Jia, X.-P.; Xu, M.* Developing the Chinese Environmentally Extended Input-Output (CEEIO) Database. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2017, 21 (4), 953-965.

  • J51. Pandit, A.; Minne, E. A.; Li, F.; Brown, H.; Jeong, H.; James, J.-A. C.; Newell, J. P.; Weissburg, M.; Chang, M. E.; Xu, M.; Yang, P.; Wang, R.-S.; Thomas, V. M.; Yu, X.-W.; Lu, Z.-M.; Crittenden, J. C. Infrastructure ecology: an evolving paradigm for sustainable urban development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 163, S19-S27.

  • J50. Zhang, C.; Zhong, L.-J.; Liang, S.; Sanders, K. T.; Wang, J.; Xu, M. Virtual scarce water embodied in inter-provincial electricity transmission in China. Applied Energy 2016, 187, 438-448.

  • J49. Tian, X.; Wu, Y.-F.; Qu, S.; Liang, S.; Xu, M., Zuo, T.-Y. The disposal and willingness to pay for residents’ scrap fluorescent lamps in China: a case study of Beijing. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2016, 114, 103-111.

  • J48. Ji, L.; Jia, X.-P.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Xu, M.* Global electricity trade network: structures and implications. PLOS ONE 2016, 11 (8), e0160869.

  • J47. Liang, S.; Wang, H.-X.; Qu, S.; Feng, T.-T.; Guan, D.-B.; Fang, H.; Xu, M.* Socioeconomic drivers of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50 (14), 7535-7545.

  • J46. Liu, D.; Xu, M.; Niu, D.-X.; Wang, S.-K.; Liang, S. Forecast modelling via variations in binary image-encoded information exploited by deep learning neural networks. PLOS ONE 2016, 11 (6), e0157028.

  • J45. Gu, Y.-F.; Wu, Y.-F.; Xu, M.; Mu, X.-Z.; Zuo, T.-Y. Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycling for a sustainable resource supply in the electronics industry in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016, 127, 331-338.

  • J44. Cai, H.; Zhan, X.-W.; Zhu, J.; Jia, X.-P.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Xu, M. Understanding taxi travel patterns. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 2016, 457, 590-597.

  • J43. Liang, S.; Qi, Z.-L.; Qu, S.; Zhu, J.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Jia, X.-P.; Xu, M.* Scaling of global input-output networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 2016, 452, 311-319.

  • J42. Liang, S.; Qu, S.; Xu, M.* Betweenness-based method to identify critical transmission sectors for supply chain environmental pressure mitigation. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50 (3), 1330-1337.

  • J41. Gu, Y.-F.; Wu, Y.-F., Xu, M., Wang, H.-D.; Zuo, T.-Y. The stability and profitability of the informal WEEE collector in development countries: a case study of China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2016, 107, 18-26.

  • J40. Liang, S.; Guo, S.; Newell, J. P.; Qu, S.; Feng, Y.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Xu, M.* Global drivers of Russian timber harvest. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2016, 20 (3), 515-525.

  • J39. Ji, L.; Liang, S.; Qu, S.; Zhang, Y.-X.; Xu, M.*; Jia, X.-P.; Jia, Y.-T.; Niu, D.-X.; Yuan, J.-H.; Hou, Y.; Wang, H.-K.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Hu, X.-J. Greenhouse gas emission factors of purchased electricity from interconnected grids. Applied Energy 2016, 184, 751-758.

  • J38. Yue, Y.; Wang, T.; Liang, S.; Yang, J.; Hou, P.; Qu, S.; Zhou, J.; Jia, X.-P.; Wang, H.-T.; Xu, M. Life cycle assessment of high speed rail in China. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2015, 41, 367-376.

  • J37. Shahraki, N.; Cai, H.; Turkay, M.; Xu, M. Optimal locations of electric public charging stations using real world vehicle travel patterns. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2015, 41, 165-176.

  • J36. Bichraoui-Draper, N.; Xu, M.*; Miller, S. A.; Guillaume, B. Agent-based life cycle assessment for switchgrass-based bioenergy systems. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2015, 103, 171-178.

  • J35. Xu, M.*; Cai, H.; Liang, S. Big data and industrial ecology. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2015, 19 (2), 205-210.

  • J34. Liang, S.; Feng, Y.; Xu, M.* Structure of the global virtual carbon network revealing important sectors and communities. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2015, 19 (2), 307-320.

  • J33. Zhang, Y.-X.; Wang, H.-K; Liang, S.; Xu, M.; Zhang, Q.; Zhao, H.-Y.; Bi, J. A dual strategy for controlling energy consumption and air pollution in China’s metropolis of Beijing. Energy 2015, 81, 294-303.

  • J32. Pontau, P.; Hou, Y.; Cai, H.; Zhen, Y.; Jia, X.-P.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Xu, M. Assessing land-use impacts by clean vehicle systems. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2015, 95, 112-119.

  • J31. Cai, H.; Jia, X.-P.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Hu, X.-J.; Xu, M.* Siting public electric vehicle charging stations in Beijing using big-data informed travel patterns of the taxi fleet. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2014, 33, 39-46.

  • J30. Ji, L.; Niu, D.-X.; Xu, M.; Huang, G.-H. An optimization model for regional micro-grid system management based on hybrid inexact stochastic-fuzzy chance-constrained programming. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 2015, 64, 1025-1039.

  • J29. Zhang, Y.-X.; Wang, H.-K.; Liang, S.; Xu, M.; Liu, W.-D.; Li, S.-L.; Zhang, R.-R.; Nielsen, C. P.; Bi, J. Temporal and spatial variations in consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2014, 40, 60-68.

  • J28. Liang, S.; Zhang, C.; Wang, Y.-F.; Xu, M.; Liu, W.-D. Virtual atmospheric mercury emission network in China. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48 (5), 2807-2815.

  • J27. Choudhary, S.; Liang, S.; Cai, H.; Keoleian, G. A.; Miller, S. A.; Kelly, J.; Xu, M.* Reference and functional unit can change bioenergy pathway choices. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2014, 19 (4), 796-805.

  • J26. Liang, S.; Liu, Z.; Crawford-Brown, D.; Wang, Y.-F.; Xu, M. Decoupling analysis and socioeconomic drivers of environmental pressure in China. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48 (2), 1103-1113.

  • J25. Zeng, L.; Xu, M.; Liang, S.; Zeng, S.-Y.; Zhang, T.-Z. Revisiting drivers of energy intensity in China during 1997-2007: a structural decomposition analysis. Energy Policy 2014, 67, 640-647.

  • J24. Yuan, J.-H.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, X.-P.; Hu, Z.; Xu, M.* China’s 2020 clean energy target: consistency, pathways and policy implications. Energy Policy 2014, 65, 692-700.

  • J23. Liang, S.; Xu, M.; Suh, S.; Tan, R. R. Unintended environmental consequences and co-benefits of economic restructuring. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47 (22), 12894-12902.

  • J22. Cai, H.; Xu, M.* Greenhouse gas implications of fleet electrification based on Big Data-informed individual travel patterns. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47 (16), 9035-9043.

  • J21. Cai, H.; Hu, X.-J.; Xu, M.* Impact of emerging clean vehicle system on water stress. Applied Energy 2013, 111, 644-651.

  • J20. Liang, S.; Xu, M.; Liu, Z.; Suh, S.; Zhang, T.-Z. Socioeconomic drivers of mercury emissions in China from 1992 to 2007. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47 (7), 3234-3240.

  • J19. Liang, S.; Liu, Z.; Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z. Waste oil derived biofuels in China bring brightness for global GHG mitigation. Bioresource Technology 2013, 131, 139-145.

  • J18. Liang, S.; Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z. Life cycle assessment of biodiesel production in China. Bioresource Technology 2013, 129, 72-77.

  • J17. Liang, S.; Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z. Unintended consequences of bioethanol feedstock choice in China. Bioresource Technology 2012, 125, 312-317.

  • J16. Yuan, J.-H.; Xu, Y.; Hu, Z.; Yu, Z.-F.; Liu, J.-Y.; Hu, Z.-G.; Xu, M.* Managing electric power system transition in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2012, 16 (8), 5660-5677.

  • J15. Yuan, J.-H.; Hou, Y.; Xu, M.* China’s 2020 carbon intensity target: consistency, implementations, and policy implications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2012, 16 (7), 4970-4981.

  • J14. Xu, M.*; Li, R.; Crittenden, J. C.; Chen, Y.-S. CO2 emissions embodied in China’s exports from 2002 to 2008: a structural decomposition analysis. Energy Policy 2011, 39 (11), 7381-7388.

  • J13. Xu, M.*; Allenby, B. R.; Crittenden, J. C. Interconnectedness and resilience of the U.S. economy. Advances in Complex Systems 2011, 14 (5), 649-672.

  • J12. Yang, J.; Xu, M.; Zhang, X.-Z.; Hu, Q.; Sommerfeld, M.; Chen, Y.-S. Life-cycle analysis on biodiesel production from microalgae: water footprint and nutrients balance. Bioresource Technology 2011, 102 (1), 159-165.

  • J11. Xu, M.* Development of the Physical Input Monetary Output model for understanding material flows within ecological-economic systems. Journal of Resources and Ecology 2010, 1 (2), 123-134.

  • J10. Xu, M.*; Crittenden, J. C.; Chen, Y.-S.; Thomas, V. M.; Noonan, D. S.; DesRoches, R.; Brown, M. A.; French, S. P. Gigaton problems need gigaton solutions. Environmental Science & Technology 2010, 44 (11), 4037-4041.

  • J9. Xu, M.*; Williams, E.; Allenby, B. Assessing environmental impacts embodied in manufacturing and labor input for the China-U.S. trade. Environmental Science & Technology 2010, 44 (2), 567-573.

  • J8. Xu, M.*; Allenby, B.; Chen, W.-Q. Energy and air emissions embodied in China-U.S. trade: eastbound assessment using adjusted bilateral trade data. Environmental Science & Technology 2009, 43 (9), 3378-3384.

  • J7. Xu, M.*; Allenby, B.; Kim, J.; Kahhat, R. A dynamic agent-based analysis for the environmental impacts of conventional and novel book retailing. Environmental Science & Technology 2009, 43 (8), 2851-2857.

  • J6. Kim, J.; Xu, M.; Kahhat, R.; Allenby, B.; Williams, E. Designing and assessing a sustainable networked delivery (SND) system: hybrid business-to-consumer book delivery case study. Environmental Science & Technology 2009, 43 (1), 181-187.

  • J5. Williams, E.; Kahhat, R.; Allenby, B.; Kavazanjian, E.; Kim, J.; Xu, M. Environmental, social, and economic implications of global reuse and recycling of personal computers. Environmental Science & Technology 2008, 42 (17), 6446-6454.

  • J4. Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z.; Allenby, B. How much will China weigh? perspectives from consumption structure and technology development. Environmental Science & Technology 2008, 42 (11), 4022-4028.

  • J3. Xu, M.; Jia, X.-P.; Shi, L.; Zhang, T.-Z. Societal metabolism in northeast China: case study of Liaoning Province. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2008, 52 (8), 1082-1086.

  • J2. Kahhat, R.; Kim, J.; Xu, M.; Allenby, B.; Williams, E.; Zhang, P. Exploring e-waste management systems in the United States. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2008, 52 (7), 955-964.

  • J1. Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z. Material flows and economic growth in developing China. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2007, 11 (1), 121-140.

中文期刊论文 (Refereed journals in Chinese)

  • C8. 李文玉; 郭权; 徐明*. 环境污染责任保险的美国经验及中国实践. 中国环境管理 2020, 2, 50-55.

  • Li, W.-Y.; Guo, Q.; Xu, M.* Environmental pollution liability insurance: American experiences and Chinese practices. Chinese Journal of Environmental Management 2020, 2, 50-55.

  • C7. 周新; 冯天天; 徐明. 基于网络系统的结构分析和统计学方法构建中国可持续发展目标的关键目标和核心指标. 中国科学院院刊 2018, 33 (1), 20-29.

  • Zhou, X.; Feng, T.-T.; Xu, M. Determination of strategic targets and core indicators for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Integration in China based on SDG Interlinkages Analysis and Statistical Method. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences 2018, 33 (1), 20-29.

  • C6. 张琦峰; 方恺; 徐明; 刘庆燕. 基于投入产出分析的碳足迹研究进展. 自然资源学报 2018, 33 (4), 696-708.

  • Zhang, Q.-F.; Fang, K.; Xu, M.; Liu, Q.-Y. Review of carbon footprint research based on input-output analysis. Journal of Natural Resources 2018, 33 (4), 696-708.

  • C5. 梁赛; 王亚菲; 徐明; 张天柱. 环境投入产出分析在产业生态学中的应用. 生态学报 2016, 36 (22), 7217-7227.

  • Liang, S.; Wang, Y.-F.; Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z. Environmental input-output analysis in industrial ecology. Acta Ecologica Sinica 2016, 36 (22), 7217-7227.

  • C4. 石海佳; 梁赛; 王震; 朱俊明; 陈伟强; 徐明; 石磊. 科学、系统与可持续性—第六届工业生态学国际大会评述. 生态学报 2011, 31 (21), 6641-6644.

  • C3. 徐明; 贾小平; 石磊; 张天柱. 辽宁省经济系统的物质代谢的核算及分析. 资源科学 2006, 28 (5), 127-133.

  • Xu, M.; Jia, X.-P.; Shi, L.; Zhang, T.-Z. Accounting and analyzing material metabolism in the economic system of Liaoning Province. Resources Science 2006, 28 (5), 127-133.

  • C2. 徐明; 张天柱. 中国经济系统的物质投入分析. 中国环境科学 2005, 25 (3), 324-328.

  • Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z. Material input analysis of China economic system. China Environmental Science 2005, 25 (3), 324-328.

  • C1. 徐明; 张天柱. 中国经济系统中化石燃料的物质流分析. 清华大学学报 (自然科学版) 2004, 44 (9), 1166-1170.

  • Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z. Material flow analysis of fossil fuel usage in the Chinese economy. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 2004, 44 (9), 1166-1170.

Book chapters

  • B4. Keoleian, G. A.; Newell, J. P.; Xu, M.; Dreps, E. Sustainable strategies for consumer products in cities. In D. Mazmanian, H. Blanco (Eds.), Elgar Companion to Sustainable Cities; Edward Elgar, 2014.

  • B3. Pandit, A.; Jeong, H.; Crittenden, J. C.; French, S. P.; Xu, M.; Li, K. Sustainable infrastructure and alternatives for urban growth. In H. Cabezas, U. Diwekar (Eds.), Sustainability: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives. Bentham eBooks, 2012.

  • B2. Minne, L.; Pandit, A.; Crittenden, J. C.; Begovic, M.; Kim, I.; Jeong, H.; James, J.-A.; Lu, Z.-M.; Xu, M.; et al. Energy and water interdependence, and their implications for urban areas. In R. A. Meyers (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer, New York, 2012.

  • B1. Xu, Y.-J.; Zhang, T.-Z.; Xu, M. Case studies of material flow analysis in China. In Y. Qian (Ed.), Cleaner Production and Circular Economy: Concepts, Methodology, and Case Studies. Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2006, 75-88. [in Chinese]

Refereed conference proceedings

  • P19. Zhu, Y.-X.; Skerlos, S.; Xu, M.; Cooper, D. R. System level impediments to achieving absolute sustainability. Procedia CIRP 2020, 90, 399-404, presented at 27th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) Conference, May 13-15, 2020, Grenoble, France.

  • P18. Liang, S.; Xu, M. Betweenness-based accounting to identify critical transmission sectors for environmental pressure mitigation. 23rd International Input-Output Conference, June 22-26, 2015, Mexico City, Mexico.

  • P17. Cai, H.; Xu, M. Informing public electric vehicle charging infrastructure development using travel patterns minded from big-data. 2014 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 19-21, 2014, Oakland, CA. [Student Paper Competition Third Place]

  • P16. Feng, Y.; Liang, S.; Xu, M. The structure of the global trade network. 21th International Input-Output Conference, July 7-12, 2013, Kitakyushu, Japan.

  • P15. Cai, H.; Xu, M. Assessing clean vehicle systems under constraints of freshwater resource. 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 16-18, 2012, Boston, MA.

  • P14. Heairet, A.; Choudhary, S.; Miller, S.; Xu, M. Beyond life cycle analysis: using an agent-based approach to model the emerging bioenergy industry. 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 16-18, 2012, Boston, MA.

  • P13. Bunker, W. J. B.; Xu, M. Dependence of wind energy on electric utility in the U.S. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 16-18, 2011, Chicago, IL.

  • P12. Minne, E. A.; Crittenden, J. C.; Pandit, A.; Jeong, H.; James, J.-A.; Lu, Z.-M.; Xu, M.; et al. Water, energy, land use, transportation and socioeconomic nexus: a blue print for more sustainable urban systems. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 16-18, 2011, Chicago, IL.

  • P11. Pandit, A.; Jeong, H.; Crittenden, J. C.; Xu, M. An infrastructure ecology approach for urban infrastructure sustainability and resiliency. 2011 IEEE PES Power Systems Conference & Exposition, March 20-23, 2011, Phoenix, AZ.

  • P10. Jeong, H.; Crittenden, J. C.; Xu, M.; Pandit, A. Holistic framework for sustainable and resilient design of urban energy and water infrastructure. Water Environment Federation’s Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) 2010, October 2-6, 2010, New Orleans, LA.

  • P9. Xu, M.; Williams, E.; Allenby, B. Environmental overhead of labor (EOL) embodied in trade: the case of 2002 China-U.S. trade. 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 18-20, 2009, Tempe, AZ.

  • P8. Xu, M.; Kim, J.; Kahhat, R.; Allenby, B. Market dynamics and environmental impacts of e-commerce: a case study on book retailing. 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, May 19-21, 2008, San Francisco, CA.

  • P7. Kim, J.; Xu, M.; Kahhat, R.; Allenby, B.; Williams, E. Design and assessment of a sustainable networked system in the U.S.: case study of book delivery system. 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, May 19-21, 2008, San Francisco, CA.

  • P6. Kahhat, R.; Kim, J.; Xu, M.; Allenby, B.; Williams, E. Proposal for an e-waste management system for the United States. 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, May 19-21, 2008, San Francisco, CA.

  • P5. Williams, E.; Kahhat, R.; Allenby, B.; Kavazanjian, E.; Xu, M.; Kim, J. Sustainability review of the international reverse chain for reuse and recycling of computers. 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, May 19-21, 2008, San Francisco, CA.

  • P4. Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z. Material flow input analysis in China. in: Fang, G.; Wang, M.; Lu, Z. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Academic Conference, Gau Lih Book Co., Ltd, October 23-29, 2005, Taibei, Taiwan, China, 625-628.

  • P3. Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z. Material flow accounting and analysis in China. Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Concerns, October 12-15, 2004, Xiamen, China.

  • P2. Zhang, T.-Z.; Xu, M. Material flow analysis: A base of greening the system of national economic accounting. in: Pan, Y.; Li, D. (Eds.), Proceeding of the International Workshop on Greening China National Account System, China Environmental Science Press, Beijing, China, June 24-25, 2004, 207-213. [in Chinese]

  • P1. Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z. Accounting and analyzing of total material requirement of Chinese fossil fuel. in: He, Y.; Gu, Z.; Chen, J. (Eds.), Proceeding of the 9th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference, Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, Xi'an, China, May 10-15, 2004, 1472-1476. [in Chinese]

Conference presentations with abstracts

  • A57. Taiebat, M.; Stolper, S.; Xu, M. Widespread Range Suitability and Cost Competitiveness of Electric Vehicles for Ride-hailing Drivers. 2021 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems & Technology (ISSST), June 21-25, 2021, Virtual. [Student Poster Competition First Place]

  • A56. Shuai, C.-Y.; Xu, M. How many indicators are needed for monitoring Sustainable Development Goals? 2019 Sustainability & Development Conference, October 11-14, 2019, Ann Arbor, MI.

  • A55. Xu, M. Urban food-energy-water (FEW) nexus: a material and energy flow perspective. International Workshop of the Nexus of Food-Energy-Water Systems, The 10th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, August 16-17, 2019, Tianjin, China. [keynote]

  • A54. Zhao, B.; Yu, L.; Wang, C.-Y.; Shuai, C.-Y.; Zhu, J.; Xu, M. High-resolution urban air quality monitoring using fleet vehicles as mobile sensors. 2019 International Society for Industrial Ecology Conference (ISIE 2019), July 7-11, 2019, Beijing, China.

  • A53. Hou, P.; Jolliet, O.; Zhu, J.; Xu, M. Neural network models for estimating ecotoxicity of chemicals. 2019 International Society for Industrial Ecology Conference (ISIE 2019), July 7-11, 2019, Beijing, China.

  • A52. Zhao, B.; Yu, L.; Wang, C.-Y.; Shuai, C.-Y.; Zhu, J.; Xu, M. High-resolution urban air pollution mapping using fleet vehicles as mobile monitors. 2019 International Conference on Resource Sustainability – Cities (icRS Cities 2019), July 1-3, 2019, Adelaide, Australia. [Best Student Poster Award]

  • A51. Shuai, C.-Y.; Qu, S.; Xu, M. The universal scaling law of national development. 2019 International Conference on Resource Sustainability – Cities (icRS Cities 2019), July 1-3, 2019, Adelaide, Australia.

  • A50. Taiebat, M.; Stolper, S.; Xu, M. Remarkable energy use rebound effect of self-driving vehicles. 2019 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems & Technology (ISSST), June 25-27, 2019, Portland, OR. [ExxonMobil Student Poster Competition Second Place]

  • A49. Hou, P.; Jolliet, O.; Zhu, J.; Xu, M. Neural network models for estimating environmental impacts of chemicals. 2019 AEESP Research and Education Conference: Environmental Engineers and Scientists See Cities in 4-D, May 14-16, 2019, Tempe, AZ.

  • A48. Hou, P.; Jolliet, O.; Zhu, J.; Xu, M. Estimate ecotoxicity characterization factors for chemicals in life cycle assessment using a neural network model. The 26th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Conference, May 7-9, 2019, West Lafayette, IN.

  • A47. Xu, M. Computational approaches to estimate missing data in life cycle assessment. The 6th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference, September 12-14, 2018, Qingdao, China.

  • A46. Taiebat, M.; Haung, E.; Masoud, N.; Liu, H.; Xu, M. Travel and environmental impacts of unoccupied VMT in robotaxi fleet based on GPS trajectory data. Automated Vehicles Symposium 2017, July 11-13, 2017, San Francisco, CA.

  • A45. Taiebat, M.; Xu, M. Environmental Benefits of Robotaxi Fleets: How does unoccupied VMT contribute? 2017 Joint Conference for International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) and International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST): Science in Support of Sustainable and Resilient Communities, June 25-29, 2017, Chicago, IL. [Student Poster Competition Third Place]

  • A44. Hou, P.; Cai, J.-R.; Xu, M. Similarity-based link prediction for estimating life cycle inventory data. 2017 Joint Conference for International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) and International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST): Science in Support of Sustainable and Resilient Communities, June 25-29, 2017, Chicago, IL. [Student Poster Competition Third Place]

  • A43. Taiebat, M.; Xu, M. Environmental benefits of robotaxi fleet: travel and environmental impacts of unoccupied VMT in robotaxi fleet based on GPS trajectory data. 2017 AEESP Research and Education Conference: Advancing Healthy Communities through Environmental Engineering and Science, June 20-22, 2017, Ann Arbor, MI.

  • A42. Hou, P.; Cai, J.-R.; Xu, M. Similarity-based link prediction for estimating life cycle inventory data. 2017 AEESP Research and Education Conference: Advancing Healthy Communities through Environmental Engineering and Science, June 20-22, 2017, Ann Arbor, MI.

  • A41. Liang, S.; Feng, T.-T.; Qu, S.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Jia, X.-P.; Xu, M. Chinese environmentally extended input-output (CEEIO) database. The Joint 12th International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and the 5th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference, September 28-30, 2016, Nagoya, Japan.

  • A40. Liang, S.; Qu, S.; Zhu, Z.-Q.; Konar, M.; Xu, M. Impacts of local water scarcity risk on global trade network. 24th International Input-Output Conference, July 4-8, 2016, Seoul, Korea.

  • A39. Qu, S.; Wang, H.-X.; Liang, S.; Xu, M. A quasi-input-output model to evaluate emission factors of purchased electricity from interconnected grids. 24th International Input-Output Conference, July 4-8, 2016, Seoul, Korea.

  • A38. Liang, S.; Feng, T.-T.; Qu, S.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Jia, X.-P.; Xu, M. Chinese environmentally extended input-output (CEEIO) database. 24th International Input-Output Conference, July 4-8, 2016, Seoul, Korea.

  • A37. Cai, J.-R.; Hou, P.; Xu, M. Computational approach for estimating missing life cycle inventory data. 2016 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST), May 16-18, 2016, Phoenix, AZ.

  • A36. Qu, S.; Liang, S.; Zhu, Z.-Q.; Chiu, A. S. F.; Jia, X.-P.; Xu, M. Impacts of local water scarcity risk on global trade network. The 18th International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management Conference (ISBITM), May 1-3, 2016, Ann Arbor, MI.

  • A35. Liang, S.; Zhao, Q.-T.; Xue, G.-Y.; Xu, M. Preliminary study on Detroit’s urban food-energy-water (FEW) nexus. The 18th International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management Conference (ISBITM), May 1-3, 2016, Ann Arbor, MI.

  • A34. Cai, J.-R.; Hou, P.; Xu, M. Similarity-based computational approach for estimating missing life cycle inventory data. The 18th International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management Conference (ISBITM), May 1-3, 2016, Ann Arbor, MI.

  • A33. Qu, S.; Wang, H.-X.; Liang, S.; Xu, M. A quasi-input-output model to evaluate emission factors of purchased electricity from interconnected grids. The 18th International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management Conference (ISBITM), May 1-3, 2016, Ann Arbor, MI. [Outstanding Paper Award]

  • A32. Cai, H.; Xu, M. Urban environmental benefits of ride sharing using autonomous vehicles. 2015 AEESP Research and Education Conference: Environmental Engineering and Science At the Nexus, June 13-16, 2015, New Haven, CT.

  • A31. Zhu, Z.-Q.; Liang, S.; Xu, M. Income-based GHG emissions of nations. 8th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, July 7-10, 2015, Guildford, UK.

  • A30. Feng, T.-T.; Liang, S.; Xu, M. An open access environmentally extended input-output database for China. 8th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, July 7-10, 2015, Guildford, UK.

  • A29. Liang, S.; Guo, S.; Xu, M. Important sectors of the global virtual water network. 8th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, July 7-10, 2015, Guildford, UK.

  • A28. Cai. H.; Xu, M. Assessing the environmental benefits of ride sharing in cities. 8th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, July 7-10, 2015, Guildford, UK.

  • A27. Stylianou, K.; Liang, S.; Xu, M.; Supekar, S.; Skerlos, S.; Jolliet, O. Global trade, global pollution, global health impacts: are we responsible for Asia? 2015 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 18-20, 2015, Dearborn, MI.

  • A26. Cai, H.; Xu, M. Assessing the environmental benefits of ride sharing in cities. 2015 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 18-20, 2015, Dearborn, MI.

  • A25. Guo, R.; Xu, J.; Xu, M. Using carbon balance analysis to assess urban sustainability and applications in China. 2015 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 18-20, 2015, Dearborn, MI.

  • A24. Liu, D.; Wang, S.-K.; Xu, M.; Guo, S. Domestic and international environmental impacts of solar photovoltaic industry in China: from the views of lifecycle and supply chain. 2015 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 18-20, 2015, Dearborn, MI.

  • A23. Liang, S.; Zhu, Z.-Q.; Xu, M. Income-based GHG emissions of nations. 2015 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 18-20, 2015, Dearborn, MI.

  • A22. Liang, S.; Guo, S.; Xu, M. Important sectors of the global virtual water network. 2015 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 18-20, 2015, Dearborn, MI.

  • A21. Liang, S.; Feng, T.-T.; Xu, M. An open access environmentally extended input-output database for China. 2015 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 18-20, 2015, Dearborn, MI.

  • A20. Jolliet, O.; Xu, M.; Skerlos, S.; Liang, S.; Stylianou, K. Global trade, global pollution, global health impact! Are we also responsible for Asia? 2014 MCubed Symposium, University of Michigan, October 9, 2014, Ann Arbor, MI.

  • A19. Liang, S.; Feng, Y.; Xu, M. The structure of global virtual water trade network. 2014 Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology: Transforming the Industrial Metabolism, June 1-6, 2014, Lucca, Italy.

  • A18. Cai, H.; Xu, M. Informing electric vehicle public charging infrastructure development using travel patterns mined from big-data. 2014 Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology: Transforming the Industrial Metabolism, June 1-6, 2014, Lucca, Italy.

  • A17. Pandit, A.; Bras, B.; Minne, E.A.; Dunham-Jones, E.; Augenbroe, G.; Jeong, H.; James, J.-A. C.; Newell, J. P.; Weissburg, M.; Brown, M. A.; Chang, M. E.; Xu, M.; Begovic, M. M.; Yang, P.; Fujimoto, R. A.; French, S. P.; Thomas, V. M.; Yu, X.; Chen, Y.; Lu, Z.; Crittenden, J. C. Infrastructure Ecology: An evolving paradigm for sustainable urban development. Session Keynote: Environmental Engineering Education. World Engineers Summit 2013, September 9-15, Singapore.

  • A16. Cai, H.; Xu, M. Big data mining for evaluating electric vehicle market acceptance and environmental impacts. 2013 AEESP 50th Anniversary Conference, July 14-16, 2013, Golden, CO. [Student Poster Competition Third Place]

  • A15. Feng, Y.; Liang, S.; Xu, M. Structure of the global trade network. 7th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, June 25-28, 2013, Ulsan, Korea.

  • A14. Pontau, P; Cai, H.; Xu, M. Assessing land use impact by clean vehicle systems. 7th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, June 25-28, 2013, Ulsan, Korea.

  • A13. Cai, H.; Xu, M. Understanding market acceptance of electric vehicles based on individual travel patterns. 3rd Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals (SIEYP), June 29, 2013, Ulsan, Korea. [Poster Competition Second Place]

  • A12. Cai, H.; Xu, M. Understanding market acceptance of electric vehicles based on individual travel patterns. 7th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, June 25-28, 2013, Ulsan, Korea. [Student Poster Competition First Place]

  • A11. Cai, H.; Xu, M.; Liang, S. Characterizing individual driving patterns through big data mining. 2013 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 15-17, 2013, Cincinnati, OH.

  • A10. Cai, H.; Xu, M. Integrated assessment of clean vehicle systems under constraints of water and land resources. 2012 Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology, June 17-22, 2012, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.

  • A9. Wang, T.; Yue, Y.; Xu, M.; Hashimoto, S. Material flows and environmental impact assessment of high-speed rail in Asia. 2012 Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology, June 17-22, 2012, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.

  • A8. Xu, M.; Newell, J. P. Infrastructure ecology: a conceptual model for understanding urban sustainability. 6th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, June 7-10, 2011, Berkeley, CA.

  • A7. Jeong, H.; Pandit, A.; Crittenden, J. C.; Xu, M.; Perrings, C.; Wang, D.-L.; Williams, E.; Karady, G.; Li, K.; Brown, M.; Begovic, M.; Ariaratnam, S.; French, S. Infrastructure ecology for sustainable and resilient urban infrastructure design. 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 7-12, 2010, Salt Lake City, UT.

  • A6. Kahhat, R.; Kim, J.; Xu, M. E-market for e-waste. 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, May 19-21, 2008, San Francisco, CA.

  • A5. Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z.; Allenby, B. Material metabolism of economic system: physical input monetary output analysis for China. 4th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, June 17-20, 2007, Toronto, Canada.

  • A4. Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z.; Allenby, B. Physical input monetary output analysis. 4th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, June 17-20, 2007, Toronto, Canada.

  • A3. Kahhat, R.; Xu, M.; Kim, J.; Zhang, P. A framework for e-waste collecting and recycling system in the Phoenix metropolitan area. 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, May 7-10, 2007, Orlando, FL.

  • A2. Xu, M.; Zhang, T.-Z. A conceptual model for sustainable consumption. The 4th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, December 12-14, 2005, Tokyo, Japan.

  • A1. Xu, Y.-J.; Zhang, T.-Z.; Shi, L.; Xu, M. Material flow analysis in China. 3rd International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, June 12-15, 2005, Stockholm, Sweden.

Editorial/Commentary/Viewpoint/Report (not peer-reviewed)

  • O13. Williams, J.; Xu, M.; Choi, H. S.; Chown, W.; Fu, J.-Z.; Hua, N., Lyu, C., Yen, M. Report and recommendations on University-sponsored travel analysis. University of Michigan President’s Commission on Carbon Neutrality, 2020.

  • O12. Taiebat, M.; Xu, M. 5 charts show how your household drives up global greenhouse gas emissions. The Conversation, September 10, 2019,

  • O11. Taiebat, M.; Xu, M. Self-driving vehicles and the environment. Aspen Global Change Institute Energy Project Quarterly Research Review, March 2019,

  • O10. Wang, H.-D.; Han, H.-G.; Liu, T.-T.; Tian, X.; Xu, M.; Wu, Y.-F.; Gu, Y.-F.; Liu, Y.-R.; Zuo, T.-Y. “Internet +” recyclable resources: a new recycling mode in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2018, 134, 44-47.

  • O9. Song, G.-H.; Zhang, H.; Duan, H.-B.; Xu, M. Packaging waste from food delivery in China’s mega cities. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2018, 130, 226-227.

  • O8. Heard, B. R.; Taiebat, M.; Xu, M.; Miller, S. A. Sustainability implications of connected and autonomous vehicles for the food supply chain. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2018, 128, 22-24.

  • O7. Ou, X.-M.; Liu, J.; Yan, X.-Y.; Xu, M.; Peng, T.-D.; Wang, Z.-Y. Greater efforts to safeguard CO2 reduction from EVs in China. Science, December 25, 2017 (eLetters),

  • O6. Fan, W.-G.; Xu, M.; Dong, X.-B.; Wei, H.-J. Considerable environmental impact of the rapid development of China’s express delivery industry. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2017, 126, 174-176.

  • O5. Dijkema, G. P. J.; Xu, M.; Derrible, S.; Lifset, R. Complexity in industrial ecology: models, analysis, and actions. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2015, 19 (2), 189-194.

  • O4. Xu, M. Pollute local: your U.S.-bought laptop pollutes other countries, and what we can do about it. The Conversation 2014, October 2,

  • O3. Xu, M.*; Weissburg, M.; Newell, J. P.; Crittenden, J. C. Developing a science of infrastructure ecology for sustainable urban systems. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46 (15), 7928-7929.

  • O2. Shi, H.-J.; Liang, S.; Wang, Z.; Zhu, J.-M.; Chen, W.-Q.; Xu, M.; Shi, L. Science, systems and sustainability: ISIE 2011 conference review. Acta Ecologica Sinica 2011, 31 (21), 6641-6644. [in Chinese]

  • O1. Xu, M.* Comment on “Dealing with electrical and electronic equipment waste in Colombia: the case of TV sets” by L.-A. Rodríguez B., E. Estupiñán E., and F. Boons. Regional Development Dialogue 2010, 31 (2), 122-123.





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