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Release Note: v0.1.1

New Additions:

  • Unit Process Classification: Added classification information for all unit process data (may require rebuilding the database and re-importing, please see "Important Tips").

  • Ownership and Licensing Information: Added data ownership information, including license type information indicating "free for all users and uses."

  • Unit Process Data: Added new data regarding the treatment and disposal of phosphogypsum.

  • Flow Data: Correspondingly added data for new flows.

Issue Fixes:

  • Unit Processes: Adjusted the naming of unit processes to comply with GLAD's naming standards.

  • Flow: Updated multilingual support for flows and corrected some content in specific flows.

Important Tips:

  • OpenLCA Data Update Reminder: Due to compatibility issues with the ILCD format in OpenLCA, data from the new package cannot be directly imported and updated in databases based on the old version. To use the new data, please create a new database and re-import, and import your newly added data into the new database.

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